1 ) Install & activate plugin – Easy Google Fonts
2 ) Go to the “Google Fonts” page.
3 ) Each “Font Control” customize different css selector. Enter a name that you know it change which font and then click the “Create Font Control” button.
4 ) Enter the “CSS selector” in the “Add CSS Selectors” field, click the “Force Styles Override” box.
Here’re the CSS selector of this theme.
Site title: .title-area .site-title a
Site description: .site-description
Post title: .entry-title, .entry-title a, #genesis-responsive-slider a
Post meta: .entry-meta, .entry-categories a, .entry-categories, .entry-tags
Body text: body
Sidebar widget title: .woocommerce .sidebar .widget-title, .sidebar .widget-title, .footer-widgets .widget-title
Floating pagination post title: .pagination-previous
Button text: a.more-link, #genesis-responsive-slider a.more-link
Box button text: .eclair-before-wrap .widget.widget_sp_image .widget-title.widgettitle
Full-width widget title: .widget-title
“Shop my post” widget title: .affiliatetitle
Location stamp: .mimosa-location
Navigation menu text: .genesis-nav-menu a
Subscription box title: .mimosa-subscribe .enews-widget .widget-title
Subscription button text: .enews-widget input[type=”submit”]
Footer latest post title: .footer-widgets .widget.featured-content.featuredpost .entry-title a, .footer-widgets .widget.featured-content.featuredpost .entry-title
Site footer: .nav-footer a, .site-footer